
maapi — command to access an ongoing transaction


maapi --get Path...

maapi --set Path Value [ Path Value... ]

maapi --keys Path...

maapi --exists Path...

maapi --delete Path...

maapi --create Path...

maapi --insert Path...

maapi --revert

maapi --msg To Message Sender
--priomsg To Message
--sysmsg To Message

maapi --cliget Param...

maapi --cliset Param Value [ Param Value... ]

maapi --cmd2path Cmd [ Cmd ]

maapi --cmd-path [--is-deleta ] [--emit-parents ] [--non-recursive ] Path [ Path ]

maapi --cmd-diff Path [ Path ]

maapi --keypath-diff Path

maapi --clicmd [--get-io ] [--no-hidden ] [--no-error ] [--no-aaa ] [--no-fullpath ] [--unhide <group>] Cli command...


This command is intended to be used from inside a CLI command or a NETCONF extension RPC. These can be implemented in several ways, as an action callback or as an executable.

It is sometimes convenient to use a shell script to implement a CLI command and then invoke the script as an executable from the CLI. The maapi program makes it possible to manipulate the transaction in which the script was invoked.

Using the maapi command it is possible to, for example, write configuration wizards and custom show commands.


-g, --get Path ...

Read element value at Path and display result. Multiple values can be read by giving more than one Path as argument to get.

-s, --set Path Value ...

Set the value of Path to Value. Multiple values can be set by giving multiple Path Value pairs as arguments to set.

-k, --keys Path ...

Display all instances found at path. Multiple Paths can be specified.

-e, --exists Path ...

Exit with exit code 0 if Path exists (if multiple paths are given all must exist for the exit code to be 0).

-d, --delete Path ...

Delete element found at Path.

-c, --create Path ...

Create the element Path.

-i, --insert Path ...

Insert the element at Path. This is only possible if the elem has the 'indexed-view' attribute set.

-z, --revert

Remove all changes in the transaction.

-m, --msg To Message Sender

Send message to a user logged on to the system.

-Q, --priomsg To Message

Send prio message to a user logged on to the system.

-M, --sysmsg To Message

Send system message to a user logged on to the system.

-G, --cliget Param ...

Read and display CLI session parameter or attribute. Multiple params can be read by giving more than one Param as argument to cliget. Possible params are for C and I-style: complete-on-space, idle-timeout, ignore-leading-space, paginate, output-file, screen-length, screen-width, history, terminal, autowizard, "service prompt config" , show-defaults, and if enabled, display-level. And for J-style: complete-on-space, idle-timeout, ignore-leading-space, paginate, "output file", "screen length", "screen width", terminal, history, autowizard, "show defaults", and if enabled, display-level. In addition to this the attributes called annotation, tags and inactive can be read.

-S, --cliset Param Value ...

Set CLI session parameter to Value. Multiple params can be set by giving more than one Param-Value pair as argument to cliset. Possible params are for C and I-style: complete-on-space, idle-timeout, ignore-leading-space, paginate, output-file, screen-length, screen-width, history, terminal, autowizard, "service prompt config", show-defaults, and if enabled, display-level. And for J-style: complete-on-space, idle-timeout, ignore-leading-space, paginate, "output file", "screen length", "screen width", terminal, history, autowizard, "show defaults", and if enabled, display-level.

-E, --cmd-path [--is-delete] [--emit-parents] [--non-recursive] Path

Display the C- and I-style command for a given path. Optionally display the command to delete the path, and optionally emit the parents, ie the commands to reach the submode of the path.

-L, --cmd-diff Path

Display the C- and I-style command for going from the running configuration to the current configuration.

-q, --keypath-diff Path

Display the difference between the current state in the attached transaction and the running configuration. One line is emitted for each difference. Each such line begins with the type of the change, followed by a colon (':') character and lastly the keypath. The type of the change is one of the following: "created", "deleted", "modified", "value set", "moved after" and "attr set".

-T, --cmd2path Cmd

Attempts to derive an aaa-style namespace and path from a C-/I-style command path.

-C, --clicmd [--get-io] [--no-hidden] [--no-error] [--no-aaa] [--no-fullpath] [--unhide group] Cli command to execute

Execute cli command in ongoing session, optionally ignoring that a command is hidden, unhiding a specific hide group, or ignoring the fullpath check of the argument to the show command. Multiple hide groups may be unhidden using the --unhide parameter multiple times.


Suppose we want to create an add-user wizard as a shell script. We would add the command in the clispec file confd.cli as follows:

    <cmd name="wizard">
      <info>Configuration wizards</info>
      <help>Configuration wizards</help>
      <cmd name="adduser">
        <info>Create a user</info>
        <help>Create a user</help>

And have the following script


## Ask for user name
while true; do
    echo -n "Enter user name: "
    read user

    if [ ! -n "${user}" ]; then
	echo "You failed to supply a user name."
    elif maapi --exists "/aaa:aaa/authentication/users/user{${user}}"; then
	echo "The user already exists."

## Ask for password
while true; do
    echo -n "Enter password: "
    read -s pass1

    if [ "${pass1:0:1}" == "$" ]; then
	echo -n "The password must not start with $. Please choose a "
	echo    "different password."
	echo -n "Confirm password: "
	read -s pass2

	if [ "${pass1}" != "${pass2}" ]; then
	    echo "Passwords do not match."

groups=`maapi --keys "/aaa:aaa/authentication/groups/group"`
while true; do
    echo "Choose a group for the user."
    echo -n "Available groups are: "
    for i in ${groups}; do echo -n "${i} "; done    
    echo -n "Enter group for user: "
    read group

    if [ ! -n "${group}" ]; then
	echo "You must enter a valid group."
	for i in ${groups}; do
	    if [ "${i}" == "${group}" ]; then
		# valid group found
		break 2;
	echo "You entered an invalid group."

echo "Creating user"
maapi --create "/aaa:aaa/authentication/users/user{${user}}"
maapi --set "/aaa:aaa/authentication/users/user{${user}}/password" \

echo "Setting home directory to: /var/confd/homes/${user}"
maapi --set "/aaa:aaa/authentication/users/user{${user}}/homedir" \

echo "Setting ssh key directory to: "
echo "/var/confd/homes/${user}/ssh_keydir"
maapi --set "/aaa:aaa/authentication/users/user{${user}}/ssh_keydir" \

maapi --set "/aaa:aaa/authentication/users/user{${user}}/uid" "1000"
maapi --set "/aaa:aaa/authentication/users/user{${user}}/gid" "100"

echo "Adding user to the ${group} group."
gusers=`maapi --get "/aaa:aaa/authentication/groups/group{${group}}/users"`

for i in ${gusers}; do
    if [ "${i}" == "${user}" ]; then
	echo "User already in group"
	exit 0
maapi --set "/aaa:aaa/authentication/groups/group{${group}}/users" \
            "${gusers} ${user}"
exit 0



On success exit status is 0. On failure 1 or 2. Any error message is printed to stderr.


Environment variables are used for determining which user session and transaction should be used when performing the operations. The CONFD_MAAPI_USID and CONFD_MAAPI_THANDLE environment variables are automatically set by ConfD when invoking a CLI command, but when a NETCONF extension RPC is invoked, only CONFD_MAAPI_USID is set, since there is no transaction associated with such an invocation.


User session to use.


The transaction to use when performing the operations.


Maapi debug information will be printed if this variable is defined.


The address used to connect to the ConfD daemon, overrides the compiled in default.


The port number to connect to the ConfD daemon on, overrides the compiled in default.


The absolute path to the shared object to use for a connection using external IPC when CONFD_IPC_EXTADDR is given.


The ConfD User Guide

confd(1) - command to start and control the ConfD daemon

confdc(1) - YANG compiler

confd.conf(5) - ConfD daemon configuration file format

clispec(5) - CLI specification file format