Chapter 7. The external database API

Table of Contents

7.1. Introduction to external data
7.2. Scenario - The database is a file
7.3. Callpoints and callbacks
7.4. Data Callbacks
7.5. User sessions and ConfD Transactions
7.6. External configuration data
7.7. External configuration data with transactions
7.8. Writable operational data
7.9. Supporting candidate commit
7.10. Discussion - CDB versus external DB

7.1. Introduction to external data

In the previous chapter we showed how to use ConfD with read-only operational data. In this chapter we will use the same APIs from to implement externally stored configuration data. This is the opposite of CDB, if CDB is used to store the configuration data, this section can be skipped.

We show how ConfD can use an external database as data source. The external data base can either be a full-fledged real data base or something as simple as a text file.

The configuration of the network device is modeled by a YANG module. It describes the data model of the device and ConfD needs to populate the XML data tree with actual data.

If the ConfD built-in XML database (CDB) is used to hold all configuration data, ConfD will automatically read and write into that database. If, on the other hand, the actual configuration data is kept outside of ConfD we need user supplied code to provide ConfD with the actual data of the configuration.

7.2. Scenario - The database is a file

Many standard UNIX applications read their configuration from a static file. If we want to integrate such an application into our network device, it may not be feasible to rewrite the application so that it reads its configuration from the device configuration database. In general we want to change the code of the application as little as possible.

Examples of such applications are abundant. In general this applies to all open source applications generally found on UNIX machines.

In order to integrate such an application into ConfD we must first write a YANG module which models the part of the application (the part of the application's configuration file) which we wish to be able to configure. Following that we must write C code which can read, parse, manipulate and write the configuration file in question and finally we must connect that C code to ConfD.

We did precisely this exercise in Chapter 5, CDB - The ConfD XML Database, however the solution from that chapter had the actual configuration data in CDB, and the configuration file was generated. Thus, if the file was edited or otherwise changed externally, those changes would be overwritten the next time we regenerated the file. In this chapter we will show how to use the actual file as a database. I.e. no configuration data is ever kept inside ConfD, the data resides outside ConfD.

7.3. Callpoints and callbacks

Similar to how we managed operational data, we need to define a data model and annotate the model with a callpoint.

Assume that we wish to model a set of 'server' structures as in the following YANG module:

Example 7.1. A list of server structures

module smp {
  namespace "";
  prefix smp;

  import ietf-inet-types {
    prefix inet;
  import tailf-common {
    prefix tailf;

  /* A set of server structures */
  container servers {
    tailf:callpoint simplecp;
    list server {
      key name;
      max-elements 64;
      leaf name {
        type string;
      leaf ip {
        type inet:ipv4-address;
        mandatory true;
      leaf port {
        type inet:port-number;
        mandatory true;

The callpoint called simplecp instructs ConfD that whenever it needs to populate the XML tree below simplecp, it must invoke callbacks in an external program which has registered itself with the name simplecp. The external programs use the API in to register themselves under different callpoints.

7.4. Data Callbacks

When we implemented the operational data callbacks we had to implement a set of callbacks for each callpoint. With external data we must do the same, but some additional callbacks must also be implemented. The data callbacks get_next(), get_elem(), get_object(), get_next_object(), find_next(), find_next_object(), num_instances(), and finally exists_optional() work precisely the same for external data as they do for operational data. Those callbacks are thus described in the previous chapter.

Additionally the following data callback functions are required for external data:

  • create() - This callback creates a new list entry. In the case of the smp.yang module above, this function needs to create a new empty "server" entry. Once the entry is created, it will be populated with values through a series of calls to set_elem().

  • remove() - This callback needs to remove an entire list entry and all its subelements.

  • set_elem() - This callback sets the value of a leaf.

7.5. User sessions and ConfD Transactions

Again, similar to the chapter on operational data user sessions are created when a user logs in, and new transactions are created when an agent initiates an activity.

If we deal with operational data, the different phases are not interesting, thus then we only had to implement the init() and a finish() callback. This section describes the states of a ConfD transaction and also which user callbacks that need to be implemented in order to participate in the transaction.

In a device where ConfD is used to manage the configuration data there can be multiple sources of data. To use ConfD terminology: there can be several different daemons that connect to ConfD under different callpoints. Some callpoints may also be served by CDB.

Furthermore, a set of write operations may involve several of these daemons as well as CDB. In order to ensure that all participants perform the operations, ConfD orchestrates a two-phase commit protocol towards the different participants. Each NETCONF operation, such as edit-config or each call to commit in the CLI will be clumped into a ConfD transaction. If we store our data outside of ConfD - as will be described in this chapter - we must implement a number of callback functions in order to participate in the various states of the transaction.

An individual daemon may (or may not) implement the callbacks for the two-phase commit protocol. If there is only one daemon and CDB is not used at all, the two-phase commit protocol may be skipped. The reason for this is that when there is only one participant, the two-phase commit protocol is irrelevant.

Each NETCONF operation, i.e. each edit-config and so forth, will execute as one transaction. Thus transactions originating from NETCONF will be fairly short-lived entities whereas transactions originating from the CLI or the Web UI will be longer.

A daemon that wishes to participate in the two-phase commit transaction must implement a number of callback functions.

  • init() - As for operational data, from the daemon's point of view the init() callback is invoked when a transaction starts, but ConfD delays the actual invocation as an optimization. For a daemon providing configuration data, init() is invoked just before the first data-reading callback, or just before the trans_lock() callback (see below), whichever comes first. When a transaction has started, it is in a state we refer to as READ. ConfD will, while the transaction is in the READ state, execute a series of read operations towards (possibly) different callpoints in the daemon.

    Any write operations performed by the management station are accumulated by ConfD and the daemon doesn't see them while in the READ state.

  • trans_lock() - This callback gets invoked by ConfD at the end of the transaction. ConfD has accumulated a number of write operations and will now initiate the final write phases. Once the trans_lock() callback has returned, the transaction is in the VALIDATE state. In the VALIDATE state, ConfD will (possibly) execute a number of read operations in order to validate the new configuration. Following the read operations for validations comes the invocation of one of the write_start() or trans_unlock() callbacks.

  • trans_unlock() - This callback gets invoked by ConfD if the validation failed or if the validation was done separate from the commit (e.g. by giving a validate command in the CLI). Depending on where the transaction originated, the behavior after a call to trans_unlock() differs. If the transaction originated from the CLI, the CLI reports to the user that the configuration is invalid and the transaction remains in the READ state whereas if the transaction originated from a NETCONF client, the NETCONF operation fails and a NETCONF rpc error is reported to the NETCONF client/manager.

  • write_start() - If the validation succeeded, the write_start() callback will be called and the transaction enters the WRITE state. While in WRITE state, a number of calls to the write callbacks set_elem(), create() and remove() will be performed.

    If the underlying database supports real atomic transactions, this is a good place to start such a transaction.

    The application should not modify the real running data here. If, later, the abort() callback is called, all write operations performed in this state must be undone.

  • prepare() - Once all write operations are executed, the prepare() callback is executed. This callback ensures that all participants have succeeded in writing all elements. The purpose of the callback is merely to indicate to ConfD that the daemon is ok, and has not yet encountered any errors.

  • abort() - If any of the participants return an error or fail to reply in the prepare() callback, the remaining participants all get invoked in the abort() callback. All data written so far in this transaction should be disposed of.

  • commit() - If all participants successfully replied in their respective prepare() callbacks, all participants get invoked in their respective commit() callbacks. This is the place to make all data written by the write callbacks in WRITE state permanent.

  • finish() - And finally, the finish() callback gets invoked at the end. This is a good place to deallocate any local resources for the transaction.

    The finish() callback can be called from several different states.

The following picture illustrates the conceptual state machine a ConfD transaction goes through.

ConfD transaction state machine

All callbacks except the init() callback are optional. If a callback is not implemented, it is the same as a succeeding empty implementation such as:

int mycallback(struct confd_trans_ctx *tctx)
    return CONFD_OK;

In the following examples, we will initially not use these transactions at all. We will implement the init() callback only and let the other transaction callbacks be NULL.

7.6. External configuration data

In this section we provide a commented example which manages actual configuration data. The idea is that ConfD runs the NETCONF agent and is entirely responsible for the candidate configuration and possibly runs the CLI and the Web UI. The application is responsible for maintaining and storing the configuration data.

An actual running version of this example can be found in the examples directory of a ConfD release under user_guide_examples/simple_no_trans.

The example system stores "servers" with name, ip, and port on a file. Our YANG module will be very simple; we have:

Example 7.2. The smp.yang module

module smp {
  namespace "";
  prefix smp;

  import ietf-inet-types {
    prefix inet;
  import tailf-common {
    prefix tailf;

  /* A set of server structures */
  container servers {
    tailf:callpoint simplecp;
    list server {
      key name;
      max-elements 64;
      leaf name {
        type string;
      leaf ip {
        type inet:ipv4-address;
        mandatory true;
      leaf port {
        type inet:port-number;
        mandatory true;

To implement this we first need a small database. We choose to use a simple array of "server" structures, as in:

struct server {
    char name[256];
    struct in_addr ip;
    unsigned int port;

static struct server running_db[64];
static int num_servers = 0;

To create a new "server" in the database we add a new server structure to the array, as in:

static struct server *add_server(char *name)
    int i, j;

    for (i=0; i < num_servers; i++) {
        if (strcmp(running_db[i].name, name) > 0) {
            /* found the position to add at, now shuffle the */
            /* remaining elems in the array one step */
            for (j = num_servers; j > i; j--) {
                running_db[j] = running_db[j-1];
    memset(&running_db[i], 0, sizeof(struct server));
    strcpy(running_db[i].name, name);
    return &running_db[i];

static struct server *new_server(char *name, char *ip, char *port)
    struct server *sp = add_server(name);
    sp->ip.s_addr = inet_addr(ip);
    sp->port = atoi(port);
    return sp;

We keep the array ordered according to the key (server name), since ConfD expects us to return entries in that order when traversing the list.

Note that at first glance this code looks like we may write off the end of the running_db array. But this is not the case, since the server list in the data model is defined with max-elements 64;. This means that ConfD will guarantee that there are never more than 64 servers.

To search the database for a specific server we have:

/* Find a specific server */
static struct server *find_server(confd_value_t *v)
    int i;
    for (i=0; i < num_servers; i++) {
        if (confd_svcmp(running_db[i].name, v) == 0)
            return &running_db[i];
    return NULL;

Our find_server() function utilizes a strcmp()-like function from - the function confd_svcmp() compares a string char* value to a confd_value_t value. The type of the confd_value_t must obviously be either a string or a buffer.

The initialization code is very similar to the ARP example in the chapter on operational data, with the exception that we must also here register functions to write new data. We need to register callbacks to set_elem() which set the value of a leaf element such as /servers/server{www}/ip. We also need to register callback functions that can create a new "server" entry and delete old "server" entries. Thus we initialize our data callback structure struct confd_data_cbs as:

data.get_elem = get_elem;
data.get_next = get_next;
data.set_elem = set_elem;
data.create   = create;
data.remove   = doremove;

The get_elem() and get_next() callbacks can be implemented in a manner similar to how we implemented the corresponding callbacks for the ARP example. For example:

Example 7.3. get_next() callback for smp.yang

static int get_next(struct confd_trans_ctx *tctx,
                    confd_hkeypath_t *keypath,
                    long next)
    confd_value_t v;

    if (next == -1) { /* Get first key */
        if (num_servers == 0) {  /* Db is empty */
            confd_data_reply_next_key(tctx, NULL, -1, -1);
            return CONFD_OK;
        CONFD_SET_STR(&v, running_db[0].name);
        confd_data_reply_next_key(tctx, &v, 1, 1);
        return CONFD_OK;
    if (next == num_servers) {  /* Last elem */
        confd_data_reply_next_key(tctx, NULL, -1, -1);
        return CONFD_OK;
    CONFD_SET_STR(&v, running_db[next].name);
    confd_data_reply_next_key(tctx, &v, 1, next+1);
    return CONFD_OK;

The create callback is easy. The keypath passed to the create() callback will have the new key (last in the string) as first element (in the array). Recall that the keypaths are passed in reversed order. For example when ConfD wants to create a new server entry, named to for example "smtp", the keypath will look like /servers/server{smtp}.

The data model can optionally specify default values. In smp.yang we didn't use that feature. For example the "port" leaf was specified as:

leaf port {
  type inet:port-number;
  mandatory true;

and not as

leaf port {
  type inet:port-number;
  default 0;

Our C code needs to be able to create list entries in the database without any of the actual values of the leafs given. All keys will be given but none of the actual values of the other leafs (except for the key leafs). ConfD will set all the missing values using the set_elem() callback. Our create() callback looks like:

Example 7.4. create() callback for smp.yang

static int create(struct confd_trans_ctx *tctx,
                  confd_hkeypath_t *keypath)
    confd_value_t *key = &keypath->v[0][0];
    add_server((char *)CONFD_GET_BUFPTR(key));
    return CONFD_OK;

In a similar manner, the remove() callback deletes a server entry.

Example 7.5. remove() callback for smp.yang

static int doremove(struct confd_trans_ctx *tctx,
                  confd_hkeypath_t *keypath)
    int i, j;
    confd_value_t *key = &keypath->v[0][0];

    for (i=0; i < num_servers; i++) {
        if (confd_svcmp(running_db[i].name, key) == 0) {
            /* found the elem to remove, now shift the */
            /* remaining elems in the array one step */
            for (j=i+1; j < num_servers; j++) {
                running_db[j-1] = running_db[j];
            return CONFD_OK;
    return CONFD_OK;

Finally here is the set_elem() callback which is responsible for setting a leaf value. The code is:

Example 7.6. set_elem() callback for smp.yang

static int set_elem(struct confd_trans_ctx *tctx,
                    confd_hkeypath_t *keypath,
                    confd_value_t *newval)
    confd_value_t *tag = &(keypath->v[0][0]);
    struct server* s = find_server(&(keypath->v[1][0]));
    if (s == NULL) {
        confd_trans_seterr(tctx, "no such server found");
        return CONFD_ERR;

    switch (CONFD_GET_XMLTAG(tag)) {
    case smp_ip:
        s->ip = CONFD_GET_IPV4(newval);
    case smp_port:
        s->port = CONFD_GET_INT32(newval);
        return CONFD_ERR;
    return CONFD_OK;

Note that there is no switch clause for smp_name - ConfD will never change key values by invoking set_elem() for key leafs. Changing keys can only be done by a combination of remove() and create() invocations, followed by set_elem() invocations for the non-leaf keys in the created list entry.

7.7. External configuration data with transactions

In this section we introduce and use the transaction callbacks.

An actual running version of this example can be found in the examples directory of a ConfD release under user_guide_examples/simple_trans.

An application is invoked in trans_lock() when a transaction is committed or when a transaction is validated (e.g. by doing validate in the CLI), and the transaction enters the VALIDATE state.

When the application is invoked in the trans_lock() callback, the following is guaranteed.

  • A sequence of callbacks will be invoked without delays. ConfD has accumulated a number of write() operations and will execute them in a sequence without delays.

  • No callbacks to any other transactions towards the same data store will be executed between the invocation of trans_lock() and the invocation of finish() (or trans_unlock()). Thus all transactions towards a given data store are serialized once they reach the VALIDATE state.

After validation, either trans_unlock() or write_start() is invoked. trans_unlock() is called when the transaction is validated only, and write_start() is called when the validation was done as the first part of the commit, and validation succeeded.

If the underlying database is a real database with real support for transactions, it is a very good idea to start such a native transaction in the call to write_start(). If that is not the case the library provides support which makes it possible to accumulate the write operations without actually writing them.

In this example we save the database to a file for persistence

Example 7.7. save() utility function

static int save(char *filename) {
    FILE *fp;
    int i;
    if ((fp = fopen(filename, "w")) == NULL)
        return CONFD_ERR;
    for (i=0; i < num_servers; i++) {
        fprintf(fp, "%s %s %d\n",
    return CONFD_OK;

We instantiate all the transaction callbacks and do the appropriate thing in each callback. Since the database is just a simple array, the variable running_db, we choose to let the library accumulate the individual write operations by returning CONFD_ACCUMULATE from the write callbacks set_elem(), create() and remove(). The data will be copied into data structures in the library.

The purpose of doing this is that we do not want to explicitly write into our local data structures in the write routines - rather we wish to delay this and perform the actual write operations in the prepare() callback.

Example 7.8. write callbacks using accumulate

static int set_elem(struct confd_trans_ctx *tctx,
                    confd_hkeypath_t *keypath,
                    confd_value_t *newval)
static int create(struct confd_trans_ctx *tctx,
                  confd_hkeypath_t *keypath)

static int doremove(struct confd_trans_ctx *tctx,
                  confd_hkeypath_t *keypath)

We are thus not doing anything at all in the write callbacks, except returning the value CONFD_ACCUMULATE. Note that this will store a complete copy of the keypath and also of the new value if the operation is set_elem().

All the operations will be copied and kept in a linked list in the transaction context (struct confd_trans_ctx). In the PREPARED state we will loop through all the operations and perform them.

Remember the reason for implementing the two-phase commit protocol. There may be multiple daemons connected to ConfD and a series of write operations, i.e a transaction may span several daemons. ConfD ensures that e.g. a commit from the CLI is either written in all of the connected daemons or none - thus ensuring a consistent database.

Recall the picture depicting the state transitions:

ConfD transaction state machine

The most complicated callback is prepare():

Example 7.9. prepare() callback using the accumulated write ops

static int t_prepare(struct confd_trans_ctx *tctx)
    struct server *s;
    struct confd_tr_item *item = tctx->accumulated;
    while (item) {
        confd_hkeypath_t *keypath = item->hkp;
        confd_value_t *leaf = &(keypath->v[0][0]);
        switch(item->op) {
        case C_SET_ELEM:
            s = find_server(&(keypath->v[1][0]));
            if (s == NULL)
            switch (CONFD_GET_XMLTAG(leaf)) {
            case smp_ip:
                s->ip = CONFD_GET_IPV4(item->val);
            case smp_port:
                s->port = CONFD_GET_INT32(item->val);

        case C_CREATE:
            add_server((char *)CONFD_GET_BUFPTR(leaf));
        case C_REMOVE:
            return CONFD_ERR;
        item = item->next;
    return save("running.prep");

The above code loops through all the struct confd_tr_item structs accumulated by the library in the accumulated field for the transaction context.

The accumulated write structs are defined as:

enum confd_tr_op {
    C_SET_ELEM = 1,
    C_CREATE= 2,
    C_REMOVE = 3,
    C_SET_CASE = 4,
    C_SET_ATTR = 5,
    C_MOVE_AFTER = 6
struct confd_tr_item {
    char *callpoint;
    enum confd_tr_op op;
    confd_hkeypath_t *hkp;
    confd_value_t *val;
    confd_value_t *choice;  /* only for set_case */
    u_int32_t attr;         /* only for set_attr */
    struct confd_tr_item *next;

If we had a real native database with real transaction support, we wouldn't have used the accumulation feature of the library at all - rather we would have started a native transaction in the write_start() callback.

Our example database is just an array and a file; thus we use the accumulation feature of the library.

In the prepare() callback we finally save the database to a file called running.prep - thus preparing to commit the changes we have made.

The corresponding abort() and commit() callbacks are easy:

Example 7.10. commit() and abort()

static int t_commit(struct confd_trans_ctx *tctx)
    if (rename("running.prep", "running.DB") == 0)
        return CONFD_OK;
        return CONFD_ERR;

static int t_abort(struct confd_trans_ctx *tctx)
    return CONFD_OK;

The restore() reads a file and initializes the database (our array) from that file:

Example 7.11. Code to restore our array from a file

static int restore(char *filename)
    char buf[BUFSIZ];
    FILE *fp;

    if ((fp = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL)
        return CONFD_ERR;
    num_servers = 0;
    while (fgets(&buf[0], BUFSIZ, fp) != NULL) {
        char *name, *ip, *port;
        if ((name = strtok(buf, " \t\r\n")) != NULL &&
            ((ip = strtok(NULL, " \t\r\n")) != NULL) &&
            ((port = strtok(NULL, " \t\r\n")) != NULL)) {
            printf("Loaded %s\n", name);
            new_server(name, ip, port);
    return CONFD_OK;

7.8. Writable operational data

Writable operational data is indicated in the YANG model as config false marked with tailf:writable true. This is typically used when an SNMP MIB has data that models an operation, like "reboot". For other interfaces than SNMP, such an operation should be modeled as an rpc or action.

Writable operational data must be implemented by callback functions, just like external configuration data, as described in Section 7.7, “External configuration data with transactions”. When a transaction is started for operational data, the dbname field in struct confd_trans_ctx is CONFD_OPERATIONAL.

7.9. Supporting candidate commit

The NETCONF protocol has as one of its major features the concept of candidate commit with a timeout. The manager manipulates the candidate configuration and finally commits the candidate. This means that the candidate configuration is copied into the running data base and thus is active.

If the commit operation is accompanied by a timeout then the semantics is that if the application has not received a confirming commit before the timeout, the previous running configuration should be copied back into running. The idea here is that if a configuration is somehow bad, an automatic rollback will occur.

There are several different usage scenarios whereby this feature is supported with ConfD.

  • The by far easiest case is when the database is kept in the ConfD built-in XML database, CDB. When that is the case, candidate commit is supported directly by ConfD natively.

  • The next case is when the candidate configuration is managed by ConfD but the running configuration is kept outside ConfD. This is described here. The application needs to register three checkpoint callbacks in the database callback struct confd_db_cbs by means of the API call confd_register_db_cb().

  • The final case is when both the running and the candidate configuration are kept entirely outside of ConfD. Remember the ConfD transactions that get executed. When a new transaction is started, one of the fields in the transaction context, the dbname field indicates which database the transaction is started for.

    If ConfD owns the candidate, no transactions will ever be created towards the candidate. If the application owns both running and the candidate (as configured in confd.conf) then transaction may be directed towards either running or candidate.

    In the case where the candidate is owned by the application, the application needs to register six candidate callbacks in the database callback struct struct confd_db_cbs by means of the API call confd_register_db_cb(). This mode of operations only make sense if the external database can truly support the candidate callbacks. If that is not the case it i better to let ConfD manage the candidate.

In this section we provide an example where ConfD owns the candidate datastore. The application needs to register the following callbacks.

  1. add_checkpoint_running() - This callback must create a checkpoint of the current running configuration and store it in non-volatile memory. When the system restarts, it is the responsibility of the external application to check if there is a checkpoint available, and use the checkpoint instead of running.

  2. del_checkpoint_running() - This function must delete a checkpoint created by add_checkpoint_running(). It is called by ConfD when a confirming commit is received.

  3. activate_checkpoint_running() - This function should rollback running to the checkpoint created by add_checkpoint_running(). It is called by ConfD when the timer expires or if the user session expires. There can be at most one checkpoint live at a time.

Using our previous save() and restore() functions the implementation of the checkpoint callbacks becomes very simple.

Example 7.12. checkpoint db callbacks

add_checkpoint_running(struct confd_db_ctx *db)
    return save("running.checkpoint");

del_checkpoint_running(struct confd_db_ctx *db)
    return CONFD_OK;

activate_checkpoint_running(struct confd_db_ctx *db)
    return restore("running.checkpoint");

Two things remain to be done. First we need to register the checkpoint callbacks. Second we need to look for the existence of a saved checkpoint when we initialize our database and if it exists, running should be initialized from the checkpoint instead. Thus:

/* global variable */
static struct confd_db_cbs dbcbs;


int main()

     if ((restore("running.checkpoint")) != CONFD_OK)

    dbcbs.add_checkpoint_running = add_checkpoint_running;
    dbcbs.del_checkpoint_running = del_checkpoint_running;
    dbcbs.activate_checkpoint_running = activate_checkpoint_running;

    /* register the callbacks */
    confd_register_db_cb(dctx, &dbcbs);

If the underlying database is a real database we would install database checkpoints instead of copying entire files back and forth.

If we choose to implement the checkpoint callbacks as above, we must obviously also configure ConfD accordingly. The relevant sections in confd.conf from the datastores section are:


And from the NETCONF section:



Finally, if we implement the database outside ConfD we may optionally choose to implement the lock() and unlock() callbacks. This is only interesting if there exists additional locking mechanisms towards the database - such as an external CLI which can lock the database, of if the external database owns the candidate.

7.10. Discussion - CDB versus external DB

In this section we discuss some of the requirements that an external database must be able to fulfill in order for ConfD to work properly. The reasons for choosing an external database as opposed to CDB may vary between projects. Some projects already have a database and the managed object code is already tightly coupled to that database. Other projects may feel that the underlying database must have characteristics that CDB doesn't have. It is certainly the case that CDB is not the best choice for, for example distributed replication of large amounts of state data. CDB is not a check-pointing database for application state replication.

The first and most important requirement ConfD has on an external database is that it can execute transactions. The transaction manager inside ConfD will collect all data for a transaction and once the data has been validated, it will send the data as a series of write operations to the data provider. It is the responsibility of the database to execute this series of write operations atomically. Either they all get written or none. External databases that do not support transactions can still be used of course, but that then comes with the possibility of getting a corrupt configuration. Corruption will occur if:

  1. Another data provider rejects the transaction - in this case ConfD will tell all data providers to abort. If there are no other data providers than the external database - this cannot happen.

  2. ConfD dies while sending the write operations to the data provider, alternatively the network connectivity between ConfD and the data provider breaks. If this happens, the data provider never gets the whole transaction. One way of partially addressing this problem may be to make use of CONFD_ACCUMULATE feature whereby all writes are accumulated inside the library. That way the data provider at least can be certain that it has the entire transaction prior to starting its own write session.

Furthermore, CDB has two important features, schema upgrade and subscriptions. An external database must at least address this functionality.

Schema upgrade. When the YANG data model files are changed, CDB has the old schema - and its associated data - stored. On upgrade, CDB transforms all the old data so that it adheres to the new schema. If CDB is not used, the equivalent functionality must be performed by the external database.

Subscriptions - when the configuration is changed - the applications, the consumers of configuration data, must somehow be notified of the configuration changes. If CDB is not used, this is now the task of the external database.

Finally, if an external database is used, we must provide a mapping in the code of the data provider between ConfD keypaths and values to entries in the external database. For example, if we use a simple key/value database it's possible to write general code that works for all possible keypaths. The key is a confd_hkeypath_t and the value is obviously a confd_value_t. The only problem is how to handle create() and delete() operations for a key/value database. In the case of a delete operation, all children must also be deleted. It is easy to find the children since the schema is loaded in a data provider (through confd_load_schemas()) and a key/value data provider would then have to follow the schema, and delete all children.